
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Scrap Afghan Part 4

I was hoping that I had enough squares for my Scrap Afghan but after putting the first two rows together it looks like I will need to make about 50 more squares.  Not sure if I have enough scrap yarn right now so this project might be put on hold for awhile.  Part of the problem is I'm trying to avoid putting the same exact color in the same row or column so it limits where I can put squares and I can only make so many of each color.   Since this is the way I want it done, this project will remain in our spare bedroom because it took forever to lay out all those squares in the correct order.  Good thing we won't have any more visitors staying with us this year.


  1. Looking good so far. Try thrift stores or yard sales for scrap yarn. Good luck.

  2. Thanks everyone! I was able to make the last of my squares and am slowly putting them all together.


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